sexta-feira, 22 de maio de 2009

An American Tragedy*

ANNE SULIVAN, her eyes glowing, was in the ready dark living-room of her third-story flat, in a thirty-three-story blue-painted building! Watching telly, chicletes mastigando, her maxilarium inferiorum bounced up and down, darked-room, she was a 35-year-old woman. all of a sudden, through the window wherein a well-smelting apple-pie abided, all of a sudden – a epine-chilling, red-mascared, red-clod guy, entrou na sala e a violentou! and raped her! and she engasgou-se com o chiclete! e a telly anunciava no momento o sabão espuma branca! and slaved her! e arrancou-lhe o pescoço e jogou-o no water-closet! e puxou a descarga...

Leonel Araripe

* Jornal Folha de Piqui, nº 1, agosto/setembro de 1983, Crato/CE

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